Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop – The Complete Collectors List

There are a total of 17 Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop and a variety of 6 different characters to collect. Including some exclusive pop figures! Check out all the Jujutsu Kaisen collectibles below!

About Jujutsu Kaisen

Yuji Itadori is a normal high school student and a member of the Occult Research Club. After the death of his grandfather, he is confronted by Megumi Fushiguro, a sorcerer, who informs him that he had recently come into contact with a high-grade curse talisman. As well as the main Jujutsu sorcerers – Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Gojo – this Funko Pop Vinyl collection even includes the enemies – such as Mahito and Sukuna!

Jujutsu Kaisen is a 2020 anime series based on the manga series of the same name by Gege Akutami. The series follows Yuuji Itadori, a high school student who joins the Occult Research Club in order to find a way to die. However, when he becomes possessed by a cursed finger, he is brought into the world of Jujutsu, where he must use his newfound powers to battle demons and keep them from entering the human world.

Jujutsu Kaisen has been praised for its action scenes, dark humor, and complex characters. It has become one of the most popular manga and anime series of 2020, and has been renewed for a second season.

The Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop collection was announced for Funkoween 2022 and are now available for pre-order.

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Funko Pop

Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji Itadori Funko Pop

Yuji Itadori is a high school student with a passion for sports and a knack for getting himself into trouble. An enthusiastic and determined young man, Itadori possesses an incredible power that he must use to save the world from evil curses. Itadori is also kind, humble, and willing to risk his life to protect those he loves. There are a total of 5 Yuji Itadori Funko Pop Vinyls to collect, so check them out now!

Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop

Jujutsu Kaisen Sukuna Funko Pop

Known as ‘the King of Curses’, Ryomen Sukuna was sealed away for centuries until being released. With his immense spiritual power, Sukuna could easily cause destruction and chaos if left unchecked. There are a total of 3 Sukuna Funko Pop to collect, so check them out now!

Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop

Jujutsu Kaisen Satoru Gojo Funko Pop

Satoru Gojo is an elite sorcerer from Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, renowned for his immense strength and skill in jujutsu sorcery even among other sorcerers. Gojo is a “mysterious yet powerful figure” whose true potential remains unknown. He is highly respected by his students for his immense knowledge, strength and skills when it comes to combating curses. There are a total of 3 Satoru Gojo Funko Pop to collect, so check them out now!

Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop

Jujutsu Kaisen Megumi Funko Pop

Megumi Fushiguro is a first-year student at Jujutsu High School. Megumi is a powerful user of cursed energy, able to utilize it for various purposes such as defending himself from curses and defeating powerful enemies. He has an analytical mindset and strong determination, making him a reliable ally in battle. There are a total of 2 Megumi Funko Pop to collect, so check them out now!

Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop

Jujutsu Kaisen Nobara Funko Pop

Nobara Kugisaki is a sorceress with an exceptional level of power, one which allows her to take on powerful enemies with ease. Her magical abilities rely heavily on the use of cursed objects, making her adept at both offensive and defensive magic. There are a total of 2 Nobara Funko Pop Vinyls to collect, so check them out now!

Jujutsu Kaisen Mahito Funko Pop

Mahito first appears during the Kyoto Goodwill Event arc, where he serves as the primary villain. His background and goals are shrouded in mystery, making him complex and interesting. While his true motivations remain largely unknown, Mahito has made it clear that he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. There are a total of 2 Mahito Funko Pop Vinyls to collect, so check them out now!

Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop

Funko Pop Animation Jujutsu Kaisen Complete List

Jujutsu Kaisen Funko Pop